Chlorophyll and carotenoids analysis spectrophotometer using method on microalgae

M Rinawati, LA Sari, KT Pursetyo - IOP conference series: earth …, 2020 -
Microalgae is a very potential to be developed biota Because of its abundant amount on
earth. Research on microalgae and its application as pigment analysis, provides important …

Pemanfaatan Air Buangan Budidaya Ikan Lele (Clarias sp.) Sebagai Media Budidaya Daphnia sp.

Y Akmal, R Humairani… - Jurnal Biosains dan …, 2019 -
Air buangan budidaya ikan lele banyak mengandung bahan organik berupa Nitrogen (N)
dan Amoniak (NH3) dari sisa pakan maupun feses ikan yang dapat berdampak pada …

The effect of commercial nutrients to increase the population of Skeletonema costatum on laboratory and mass scales

KA Azmi, S Arsad, LA Sari - IOP Conference Series: Earth and …, 2020 -
S. costatum is one type of phytoplankton used in the maintenance of fish, shrimp, and crab
larvae, but most are given in the maintenance of tiger shrimp larvae (Penaeus monodon) …

The effect of feed larvae Chironomus sp. and high pellet protein to seedling goldfish (Carassius auratus)

KH Dwiardani, LA Sari, PDW Sari… - … Series: Earth and …, 2020 -
Goldfish production increase in four years, specifically 66,823,000 in 2010 to 72,997,000 in
2014. The increment of goldfish production growth altogether with problems which is a …

The effect of catfish and chicken cultivation waste to Daphnia sp. culture

NH Holy, LA Sari - IOP Conference Series: Earth and …, 2020 -
Many factors influence the success of a cultivation business, the availability of the land, the
availability of adequate fry and feed in quality and quantity to support maximum production …

Dietary supplementation of methionine, lysine, and tryptophan as possible modulators of growth, immune response, and disease resistance in striped catfish …

R Liaqat, S Fatima, W Komal, Q Minahal, AS Hussain - Plos one, 2024 -
The present study investigated the potential role of different essential amino acids (AA) in
striped catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus). Fish (initial weight= 17.91±0.27 g, n= 260) were …

The growth, protein content, and fatty acid of catfish meat (pangasius sp.) With the addition of different lysine doses in commercial feed

E Aristasari, RA Nur'Aini, W Nopita… - … Series: Earth and …, 2020 -
Pangasius catfish are not able to synthesize amino acids in their bodies so that Pangasius
catfish need a supply of amino acids such as lysine in their feed. This study aims to find out …

Humeral shortening and inferior subluxation as sequelae of septic arthritis of the shoulder in neonates and infants

T Saisu, A Kawashima, M Kamegaya, M Mikasa… - JBJS, 2007 -
Background: Although humeral shortening as a sequel of septic arthritis of the shoulder in
infants has been reported in previous studies, functional disorders of the shoulder resulting …

Pengaruh pemberian dosis hasil fermentasi tepung biji kedelai dengan ragi terhadap pertumbuhan populasi Daphnia magna

W Prastya, I Dewiyanti, T Ridwan - 2016 -
The aim of this study was to know the precise doses for rapid growth of Daphnia magna's
population. This study was conducted at Brackiswater Aquaculture Development Center in …

Pengaruh Waktu Fermentasi Limbah Bahan Organik (Kotoran Burung Puyuh, Roti Afkir dan Ampas Tahu) sebagai Pupuk untuk Pertumbuhan dan Kandungan Lemak …

SR Agustin, P Pinandoyo… - E-Jurnal Rekayasa dan …, 2017 -
Daphnia sp. merupakan pakan alami yang potensial untuk larva ikan karena mempunyai
kandungan nutrisi yang tinggi. Kandungan nutrisi Daphnia sp. tergantung pada pakan yang …