Institutional weakness and organized crime in Mexico: the case of Michoacán

J Aguirre, HA Herrera - Trends in Organized Crime, 2013 - Springer
In the case of Mexico, the prevalence of organized crime and drug trafficking can be
explained more as a consequence of the weak and insufficient institutional bureaucracy that …

[HTML][HTML] Feminismo y prostitución: la persistencia de una amarga disputa

M Lamas - Debate feminista, 2016 - Elsevier
La liberalización de las costumbres sexuales en el capitalismo tardío, junto con la
desregulación neoliberal de los mercados, alentó la expansión de un mercado sexual …

[HTML][HTML] Enfoque de la corrupción estructural: poder, impunidad y voz ciudadana

IE Sandoval Ballesteros - Revista mexicana de sociología, 2016 -
Este artículo argumenta que tanto los prejuicios contra lo público como el enfoque
tecnocrático de la corrupción son inadecuados. Ninguno de ellos se enfoca en la raíz del …

Las causas de la desconfianza política en México

J Tronco - Perfiles latinoamericanos, 2012 -
Resumen¿ Qué factores explican la desconfianza de los ciudadanos en las instituciones
representativas? La literatura especializada ha presentado dos tipos de respuestas a este …

[图书][B] El fulgor de la noche: El comercio sexual en las calles de la Ciudad de México

M Lamas - 2017 -
Un acercamiento a los aspectos más humanos y complejos del comercio sexual. La autora
ha dedicado más de dos décadas al estudio de esta realidad. Desde quienes trazan una …

[图书][B] Psychiatric encounters: Madness and modernity in Yucatan, Mexico

BM Reyes-Foster - 2018 -
Psychiatric Encounters presents an intimate portrait of a public inpatient psychiatric facility in
the Southeastern state of Yucatan, Mexico. The book explores the experiences of patients …

Moving to an oral adversarial system in Mexico: jurisprudential, criminal procedure, evidence law, and trial advocacy implications

PJ Zwier, A Barney - Emory Int'l L. Rev., 2012 - HeinOnline
In 2008, Mexico passed a series of federal constitutional reforms requiring oral adversarial
criminal trials. The reforms give Mexican states until 2016 to implement the shift from a …

Assessing attitudes toward municipal police in Mexico during democratic times: a case studying

S Sandoval Perea - Mexican law review, 2016 -
One of the key roles of States is to act as primary authorities over their territories and
societies to establish order and provide security. Nevertheless, the processes of establishing …

The impact of drug-related violence on corruption in Mexico

SD Morris - The Latin Americanist, 2013 -
What impact does the rising presence and profile of drug trafficking organizations, President
Felipe Calderón's war on organized crime, and the dramatic increase in drug-related …

[HTML][HTML] Transitional justice, human rights and the restoration of credibility: Reconstructing Mexico's social fabric

HC Rivera - Mexican law review, 2014 - Elsevier
Mexico is entering a phase of transitional justice. This can be observed in the numerous
reforms and measures that are being taken to adapt the legal system to international …