Most motors are designed to operate at a constant speed and provide a constant output; however, modern technology requires different speeds in many applications where electric …
The still escalating COVID-19 pandemic also has a substantial impact on energy structure, requirements and related emissions. The consumption is unavoidable and receives a lower …
For a solar thermal system, increasing the heat transfer area can increase the output temperature of the system. However, this approach leads to a bigger and bulkier collector. It …
The building sector is one of the major energy users and greenhouse gasses emitter. An energy audit is one of the effective approaches to identify efficient energy usages and …
Due to the depletion of fossil fuel reserves, it is feared that the world will run out of its energy resources soon. Besides, unpredictable fluctuation of diesel prices in electricity generation is …
Abstract The 'Energy Performance of Buildings Directive'Recast (ie, 2010/31/EU) establishes that building energy retrofit should pursue “cost-optimal levels”. However, a reliable and …
The effect of thermal conductivity of the absorber plate of a solar collector on the performance of a thermo-siphon solar water heater is found by using the alternative …
Automation, modernization, economic development and global progress depends on efficient extraction and utilization of energy. Power generation by burning fossil fuels makes …
Healthcare facilities in the United States account for 4.8% of the total area in the commercial sector and are responsible for 10.3% of total energy consumption in this sector. The number …