Second language pronunciation research and teaching relies on human listeners to assess second language speakers' performance. Most applied linguists working in this area have …
Since its original publication in 1997, Rosina Lippi-Green's English with an Accent has inspired generations of scholars to investigate linguistic discrimination, social categorization …
To what extent do our accents determine the way we are perceived by others? Is a foreign accent inevitably associated with social stigma? Accent is a matter of great public interest …
P Trofimovich, T Isaacs - Bilingualism: Language and cognition, 2012 -
The goal of this study was to determine which linguistic aspects of second language speech are related to accent and which to comprehensibility. To address this goal, 19 different …
With a new Foreword by April Baker-Bell and a new Preface by Vershawn Ashanti Young and Y'Shanda Young-Rivera, Other People's English: Code-Meshing, Code-Switching, and …
Researching the longitudinal development of second language (L2) learners is essential to understanding influences on their success. This 7‐year study of oral skills in adult immigrant …
Antiracism constitutes an important component of social justice in ELT. Yet, discussing racism is often evaded, leaving the concept of racism inadequately understood. This article …
Upon hearing someone's speech, a listener can access information such as the speaker's age, gender identity, socioeconomic status, and their linguistic background. However, an …
KB McGowan - Language and Speech, 2015 -
Listeners' use of social information during speech perception was investigated by measuring transcription accuracy of Chinese-accented speech in noise while listeners were presented …