AA DiRusso - Quinnipiac Prob. LJ, 2009 - HeinOnline
Intestacy is perhaps the final divide between the Haves and the Have-Nots. When we die, the law gives each of us one last chance to use its force to carry out our wishes with respect …
I do now hereby give, bequeath, and devise all items of tangible personal property that I own or may own a right thereonto, which includes, but is not limited to, objet d'art, furnishings …
Insights from economics and the economic analysis of law may be useful in analyzing succession law, including intestacy and wills as well as nonprobate transfers such as trusts …
" Le marchand de la mort est mort."" The merchant of death is dead" ran the headline of an April 1888 obituary published in a French newspaper.'The obituary began with the statement …
Traditionally, that relationship is recognized as providing a framework for different theories of ownership and property acquisition, as well as for justifying particular doctrines of property …
To what extent should authors be able to control what happens to their literary, artistic, and musical creations after they die? Viewed through the lens of a number of succession law …
326 The Elder Law Journal process and accessed the law. Consequently, this article recommends that law reform should be guided by the needs of contemporary families …
KEYNOTE LECTURE DISMANTLING THE TRUSTS AND ESTATES CANON Introduction ...................................... 165 I. Celebration. Page 1 KEYNOTE LECTURE DISMANTLING THE TRUSTS AND …
The" Last Words" of great men, Napoleon, Lord Byron, were... printed in gift books, and the dying murmurs of every common man and woman were listened for and treasured by their …