This book takes a fresh look at the most dynamic area of American law today, comprising the fields of copyright, patent, trademark, trade secrecy, publicity rights, and misappropriation …
MP McKenna - Notre Dame L. Rev., 2006 - HeinOnline
Trademark law has come unhinged from its traditional consumer protection moorings. That is the clear message of modern scholarship. 1 Doctrinal innovations like dilution and initial …
The Chicago School of law and economics has long offered a totalizing and, for many, quite definitive theory of American trademark law. This theory conforms to a programmatic …
In theory, trademarks serve as information tools by conveying product information through convenient, identifiable symbols. In practice, however, trademarks have increasingly been …
THE storyline of a recent episode of Comedy Central's Fu-turama revolved around the" all new eyePhone."'It was not difficult to get the allusion. Aside from the name, and accounting …
Trademark Law, Graeme Dinwoodie and Mark Janis characterize it as a dispute over whether to limit trademark-holder rights in a new and unanticipated way.'Yet, there is …
In 1543, the Polish astronomer, Nicolas Copernicus, determined the heliocentric design of the solar system.'Copernicus was motivated in large part by the conviction that Claudius …
MA Lemley, MP McKenna - Mich. L. Rev., 2010 - HeinOnline
Black & Decker recently focused its marketing efforts for its DEWALT line of power tools on Hispanic soccer fans, seeking to grow the DEWALT brand by" building and executing …
Almost every industry today is confronting the potential role that artificial intelligence and machine learning can play in its future. While there are many, many studies on the role of Al …