[图书][B] Handbook of applied cryptography

AJ Menezes, PC Van Oorschot, SA Vanstone - 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
Cryptography, in particular public-key cryptography, has emerged in the last 20 years as an
important discipline that is not only the subject of an enormous amount of research, but …

[图书][B] Mathematics of public key cryptography

SD Galbraith - 2012 - books.google.com
Public key cryptography is a major interdisciplinary subject with many real-world
applications, such as digital signatures. A strong background in the mathematics underlying …

Lattice basis reduction: Improved practical algorithms and solving subset sum problems

CP Schnorr, M Euchner - Mathematical programming, 1994 - Springer
We report on improved practical algorithms for lattice basis reduction. We propose a
practical floating point version of the L 3-algorithm of Lenstra, Lenstra, Lovász (1982). We …

Fully homomorphic encryption over the integers with shorter public keys

JS Coron, A Mandal, D Naccache… - Annual Cryptology …, 2011 - Springer
Abstract At Eurocrypt 2010 van Dijk et al. described a fully homomorphic encryption scheme
over the integers. The main appeal of this scheme (compared to Gentry's) is its conceptual …

[图书][B] Complexity of lattice problems: a cryptographic perspective

D Micciancio, S Goldwasser - 2002 - books.google.com
Lattices are geometric objects that can be pictorially described as the set of intersection
points of an infinite, regular n-dimensional grid. De spite their apparent simplicity, lattices …

[PDF][PDF] Combinatorial algorithms: generation, enumeration, and search

DL Kreher, DR Stinson - ACM SIGACT News, 1999 - dl.acm.org
Our objective in writing this book was to produce a general, introductory textbook on the
subject of combinatorial algorithms. Several textbooks on combinatorial algorithms were …

Number theory in science and communication

S MR - 日本音響学会誌, 1985 - jstage.jst.go.jp
波動方程式 が音響物理の 基礎で あ る こ とは誰で も知って い る. そ の波動方程式 は数の
連続性 を前提 とする数学に属 して い る. 数論 (Number Theory) は整数 (すなわち離散的な数) …

A new identification scheme based on syndrome decoding

J Stern - Annual International Cryptology Conference, 1993 - Springer
Zero-knowledge proofs were introduced in 1985, in a paper by Goldwasser, Micali and
Rackoff ([6]). Their practical significance was soon demonstrated in the work of Fiat and …

Lattice enumeration using extreme pruning

N Gama, PQ Nguyen, O Regev - … on the Theory and Applications of …, 2010 - Springer
Lattice enumeration algorithms are the most basic algorithms for solving hard lattice
problems such as the shortest vector problem and the closest vector problem, and are often …

A deterministic single exponential time algorithm for most lattice problems based on Voronoi cell computations

D Micciancio, P Voulgaris - Proceedings of the Forty-second ACM …, 2010 - dl.acm.org
We give deterministic~ O (22n+ o (n))-time algorithms to solve all the most important
computational problems on point lattices in NP, including the Shortest Vector Problem …