Due to the increasing size of integrated circuits (ICs), their design and optimization phases (ie, computer-aided design, CAD) grow increasingly complex. At design time, a large design …
The electronic design automation (EDA) industry develops software to support engineers in the creation of new integrated circuit (IC) designs. Due to the high complexity of modern …
N Wu, Y Xie - ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2022 - dl.acm.org
It has been a long time that computer architecture and systems are optimized for efficient execution of machine learning (ML) models. Now, it is time to reconsider the relationship …
The application of artificial intelligence in everyday life is becoming all-pervasive and unavoidable. Within that vast field, a special place belongs to biomimetic/bio-inspired …
Y Ma, H Ren, B Khailany, H Sikka, L Luo… - Proceedings of the 56th …, 2019 - dl.acm.org
Applications of deep learning to electronic design automation (EDA) have recently begun to emerge, although they have mainly been limited to processing of regular structured data …
B Khailany - Proceedings of the 2020 ACM/IEEE Workshop on …, 2020 - dl.acm.org
As Moore's law has provided an exponential increase in chip transistor density, the unique features we can now include in large chips are no longer predominantly limited by area …
Optical networks generate a vast amount of diagnostic, control, and performance monitoring data. When information is extracted from these data, reconfigurable network elements and …
Advanced computing systems have long been enablers for breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms, either through sheer computational …
Due to the rapid growth in the scale of circuits and the desire for knowledge transfer from old designs to new ones, deep learning technologies have been widely exploited in Electronic …