[HTML][HTML] 'No politics… We're a Mardi Gras now': Telling the story of LGSM in 21st-Century Britain

S Mowlabocus - Open Library of Humanities, 2019 - olh.openlibhums.org
What does it mean that Pride was released in, 30 years after the formation of Lesbians and
Gays Support the Miners (LGSM) and the same year in which a Conservative government …

After Will & Ellen: Uneventful queer television

J Kooijman - Critical Studies in Television, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
It's great that you have no shame. I mean, you missed the joy of signing up for football to fool
your parents. But you guys can never forget the struggle that came before you, the people …

The children's horror film: beneficial fear and subversive pleasure in an (im) possible Hollywood subgenre.

C Lester - 2016 - wrap.warwick.ac.uk
This thesis investigates the children's horror film in Hollywood cinema. Children are typically
thought of as being innocent and vulnerable, and horror–usually considered a genre for …

Migrant Subjectivity and Territory Rethought

jan jagodzinski, jan jagodzinski - Schizoanalytic Ventures at the End of the …, 2019 - Springer
This chapter is a prelude to the next as it provides some of the more interesting theoretical
work when it comes to thinking through identity politics. What is of special interest is to …

Fascinating rhythms: music programming, memory and materiality in visual culture

L Weston - 2021 - wrap.warwick.ac.uk
This thesis explores the ways in which music programming can participate in discourses of
music heritage, and popular and visual cultures. It contributes to a growing body of work that …

Beyond the pleasure principle: Exploring the limits of a pervasive term

L Bayman - New Cinemas: Journal of Contemporary Film, 2016 - intellectdiscover.com
This article aims to discuss pleasure as a way of understanding film. I do not seek to judge
the correctness, political or otherwise, of certain pleasures, or to offer any overarching theory …

[HTML][HTML] Convite à proposta de leitura e pesquisa da defesa da disco music de Richard Dyer

A Lasén - 2014 - resonancias.uc.cl
Richard Dyer es profesor emérito del departamento de estudios del cine de la universidad
británica King's College. Desde la obtención de su doctorado en el pionero Centre for …

[HTML][HTML] Invitación a la lectura y propuesta investigadora de la defensa de la música disco de Richard Dyer

A Lasén - 2014 - resonancias.uc.cl
Richard Dyer es profesor emérito del departamento de estudios del cine de la universidad
británica King's College. Desde la obtención de su doctorado en el pionero Centre for …

[HTML][HTML] Invitation to the reading and research proposal of Richard Dyer's the defense of disco music

A Lasén - 2014 - resonancias.uc.cl
Richard Dyer es profesor emérito del departamento de estudios del cine de la universidad
británica King's College. Desde la obtención de su doctorado en el pionero Centre for …