Among the Apicomplexa parasites, Hepatozoon spp. have been mainly studied in domestic animals and peri-urban areas. The epidemiology of Hepatozoon spp. is poorly investigated …
Materials and Methods: We identified blood parasites by microscopic observation of blood smears from free-ranging wildlife species that attended the Wildlife Hospital of Universidad …
Ticks are widespread parasites of vertebrates and major vectors of pathogens to humans, domestic animals, and wildlife. In southern Africa, numerous tick species transmit diseases …
Based on morphological, morphometric, and molecular data, we describe a new hemoparasite of the genus Haemogregarina Danilewsky 1885, isolated from the Brazilian …
Species of Hepatozoon are parasites frequently recorded in snakes. The species identification of this genus was based mostly on the gametocyte morphology and …
To date, only a few species of Hepatozoon Miller, 1908 have been described from amphibians and reptiles of South Africa, including two species from anuran hosts, three from …
In order to investigate the prevalence and life cycle of apicomplexan parasites, small mammals were live-trapped with modified Sherman traps in Southern Hungary between …
Although Hepatozoon spp. remains the most prevalent intracellular protozoa infecting snakes, it was reported only in a few snake species of the Colubridae family in Türkiye …
Hepatozoon spp. are blood protozoans that can infect snakes. Infections with these parasites are found in more than 200 snake species and are considered to be the most …