Current algorithms, communication methods and designs for underwater swarm robotics: A review

J Connor, B Champion, MA Joordens - IEEE Sensors Journal, 2020 -
As technology advances, the places we have been able to explore have drastically
increased. However, the advancements in the underwater realm have staggered behind …

Moving camera analytics: Emerging scenarios, challenges, and applications

CC Lin, S Pankanti, G Ashour, D Porat… - IBM Journal of …, 2015 -
In recent years, more than one billion cameras have been actively used on moving
platforms, and various video analytics applications for moving cameras are emerging in …

Trends in the development of unmanned marine technology

A Olejnik - Polish Hyperbaric Research, 2016 -
The article constitutes an attempt to identify current tendencies regarding the development of
unmanned marine technologies such as unmanned surface and underwater vehicles. The …

Content-based video indexing for the support of digital library search

M Petkovic, R van Zwol, HE Blok… - … Conference on Data …, 2002 -
Presents a digital library search engine that combines efforts of the AMIS and DMW research
projects, each covering significant parts of the problem of finding the required information in …

Accurate coverage summarization of UAV videos

CC Lin, S Pankanti, J Smith - 2014 IEEE Applied Imagery …, 2014 -
A predominant fraction of UAV videos are never watched or analyzed and there is growing
interest in having a summary view of the UAV videos for obtaining a better overall …

Problems of using robotic systems in earthquake res-cue operations

A Nazarova, M Zhai - Robotics and Technical Cybernetics, 2018 -
The issues of mitigation of the consequences of natural disasters, process of victims' search
and rescue are considered. By the example of earthquakes in recent years, the real actions …

Проблемы использования робототехнических систем в операциях спасения при землетрясениях

АВ Назарова, Ч Мэйсинь - Робототехника и техническая кибернетика, 2018 -
Рассмотрены вопросы ликвидации последствий стихийных бедствий, поиска и
спасения пострадавших. На примере землетрясений последних лет …

[PDF][PDF] Tendencje rozwojowe bezzałogowej techniki morskiej

A Olejnik - Polish Hyperbaric Research, 2016 -
W niniejszym artykule dokonano próby zidentyfikowania aktualnych trendów rozwojowych
bezzałogowych technologii morskich takich jak bezzałogowe pojazdy nawodne i podwodne …

Robot inspekcyjny

K Babioch, K Jaskot - Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, 2015 -
Praca przedstawia konstrukcję prototypu robota inspekcyjnego. Na chwilę obecną operator
ma możliwość zdalnego sterowania pracą robota-płynne poruszanie w płaszczyźnie …

Depth adjuster design and control for an underwater vehicle

Q Li, S Xie, Y Peng, J Shi, P Wu, J Chen… - … on Information and …, 2014 -
In order to improve the depth control of an underwater vehicle, a depth adjuster with the
moving weight and a servo mechanism is designed. The dynamic model of the interaction …