Recent language policy and planning research reveals how policy-makers endorse the interests of dominant social groups, marginalise minority languages and perpetuate systems …
Aunque el fenómeno es muy anterior, al menos desde los inicios del proceso de recuperación lingüística de mediados del siglo xx, un rasgo definitorio de la realidad …
An important line of research within a generative, formal approach to syntax in the early 21st century has centered on exploring phenomena related to the interface between syntax and …
It has long been debated whether speech processing remains flexible in adulthood. This thesis contributes to our understanding of this question by investigating bilingual speech …
El estudio que se recoge en esta obra forma parte de los proyectos de investigación desarrollados por el Grupo de Investigación ECOLIJ1 en el área de la Didáctica de la …
This study aims to contribute to the ongoing debate on the role of language attitudes in Galicia (Spain). By means of a mixed methodological approach, we investigate the …
AA Cajiao - Estudos sobre o cambio lingüístico no galego actual, 2017 -
Este traballo foi realizado baixo un contrato de Formación de Profesorado Universitario (FPU 13/06568) financiado polo Ministerio de Educación Cultura e Deporte. Tamén contou …
Although the phenomenon began much earlier–at least since the beginnings of the linguistic revival process of the mid-20th century–a distinctive feature of the Galicia's current …
The inclusion of European minority languages in public spaces such as education, administration and the media has led to the emergence of a new profile of speakers,“new …