M Kuboniwa - Post-Communist Economies, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
This article presents estimations of a Cobb–Douglas production function with a steady change in total factor productivity (TFP) for the Russian economy using quarterly data for the …
E Gurvich, I Prilepskiy - Voprosy ekonomiki, 2013 - vopreco.ru
The paper looks into emergence of external imbalances and economy's adjustment to them. We find that Russian economy adjusts mainly via increase or decrease of domestic demand …
F Kaplan - Advances in Management and Applied Economics, 2015 - papers.ssrn.com
This study aims to investigate the relation between oil prices, exchange rate and economic growth in Russia from a multiple structural break approach. For this reason, quarterly series …
M Janíčko, P Maleček, P Janíčko - Ekonomika, 2021 - zurnalai.vu.lt
Taking into consideration the specifics of the Russian economy such as dependency on oil and gas drilling & production, and including the current context of the Western sanctions …
Rapid rise of BRIC economies in the first decade of 2000's has drawn a lot of attention internationally. Businesses were eyeing new opportunities to promote their products and …
ЕТ Гурвич, ИВ Прилепский - Идеи и выводы авторов не …, 2014 - publications.hse.ru
Тематика внешних дисбалансов в последние годы занимает заметное место как в исследованиях экономистов, так и в повестке дня международных организаций …
I would also like to express gratitude to Michael Nelson. I have acquired countless quantitative and qualitative skills by working as his research assistant. Most of the skills I …
The subject of the research is the factors of economy stabilization provided by the oil and gas complex. The goal is to develop new theoretical and methodological approaches to the …