N Paulovičová - Antisemitism Studies, 2018 - muse.jhu.edu
Antisemitism in Slovakia was influenced by socio-economic concerns and frustration over domestic, regional, and international developments during the postwar and post-communist …
H Kubátová, M Kubát - Contemporary European History, 2018 - cambridge.org
This article adds to an on-going conceptual discussion on the usefulness of the 'bystander'term when applied to the Holocaust and its aftermath. This catch-all concept …
The PhD project has been supervised under the regulations of the Cotutelle agreement between the University of Luxembourg (C²DH) and Charles University (the Faculty of …
W Tokarczuk - Res Cresoviana, 2019 - cyberleninka.ru
Zamordowanie 15 słowackich Żydów w nocy z 6 na 7 grudnia 1945 roku jest zaledwie drobnym epizodem w historii zaangażowania członków OUN-UPA w Zagładę. W efekcie …