Abstract The Scenario Model Intercomparison Project (ScenarioMIP) defines and coordinates the main set of future climate projections, based on concentration-driven …
The AR5 concluded that human influence on the climate system is clear, evident from increasing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere, positive radiative forcing …
Observed surface temperature trends over recent decades are characterized by (a) intensified warming in the Indo‐Pacific Warm Pool and slight cooling in the eastern …
Global surface temperature has been setting new record highs in the recent decades, imposing increasing environmental challenges for societies and ecosystems worldwide …
Abstract Parties to the Paris Agreement agreed to holding global average temperature increases “well below 2° C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the …
Climate sensitivity to CO 2 remains the key uncertainty in projections of future climate change. Transient climate response (TCR) is the metric of temperature sensitivity that is most …
Global warming has led to permafrost degradation worldwide. The Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau (QTP) hosts most of the world's alpine permafrost, yet its impending changes remain largely …
Some of the new generation CMIP6 models are characterised by a strong temperature increase in response to increasing greenhouse gases concentration1. At first glance, these …
Atlantic multidecadal variability is a coherent mode of natural climate variability occurring in the North Atlantic Ocean, with strong impacts on human societies and ecosystems …