The active voice and passive voice are complementary sentence forms that are available when describing a transitive event. In English, the latter has two variants: be-passive and get …
To describe a transitive event, the English language allows a choice of two Voices. The canonical form is the active-voice, and the alternative is passive-voice, which offers its own …
JIM Arrese - Conceptualization of events in newspaper discourse …, 2002 -
This paper reports on the results of a research project (Proyectos Complutense PR52/00- 8888) on the use of impersonalization strategies in British and Spanish news reports on …
JIM Arrese - Journal of English Studies, 1999 -
The existence of syncretisms in the marked coding patterns for variations in the domains of transitivity and voice presumably indicate the interrelation between constructions involving …
This dissertation makes a discourse-pragmatic and phonological synthesis and analyses of Yorùbá Oríkì 'praise'and Ewì 'moral'poems. Forty poems—20 moral poems and 20 praise …
The main purpose of this study is to expand the literature on the acquisition of get-passives since this construction has not been as researched as the be-passive. Particularly, the …
JI Marín-Arrese - … Processing in Second Language Acquisition: Inside …, 2010 -
Languages make use of different strategies for the mystification of agency, by backgrounding of the role of agency and/or obfuscation of the identity of the agent, which …
T Nagamori - The Tsuda Review, 2023 -
This paper is concerned with the derivation of the English get-passive such as (1b) below.(1) a. John was killed in a war. b. John got killed in an accident.(Haegeman 1985: 53) There …
АС Федорінчик, АС Федоринчик - 2017 -
CPL довершеність (англ. completive) CVB дієприслівник (англ. converb) D визначник (англ. determiner) DAT давальний (англ. dative) DEC твердження (англ. declarative) …