Nanostructure of a-Si: H and related materials by small-angle x-ray scattering

DL Williamson - MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL), 1995 -
The use of small-angle x-ray scattering to examine nanostructural features of a-Si: H and the
related alloys a-SiGe: H and a-SiC: H will be reviewed. A wide range of H, Ge, and C …

The mott lecture. Structural and electronic properties of amorphous SiGe: H alloys

W Paul, JH Chen, EZ Liu, AE Wetsel… - Journal of non-crystalline …, 1993 - Elsevier
It is universally found that the photoelectronic properties of a-Ge: H and a-Si 1− x Ge x: H
alloys are much poorer than those of a-Si: H. For example, the efficiency mobility-lifetime …

High performance glow discharge of large

P Wickboldt, D Pang, W Paul, JH Chen… - Journal of Applied …, 1997 -
Radio frequency glow discharge chemical vapor deposition has been used to deposit thin
films of a-Si 1− x Ge x: H which possess optoelectronic properties that are greatly improved …

Band gap profiles of intrinsic amorphous silicon germanium films and their application to amorphous silicon germanium heterojunction solar cells

T Krajangsang, S Inthisang, A Dousse, A Moollakorn… - Optical Materials, 2016 - Elsevier
Intrinsic amorphous silicon germanium (ia-SiGe: H) films with V, U and VU shape band gap
profiles for amorphous silicon germanium (a-SiGe: H) heterojunction solar cells were …

Improvement of microstructure of amorphous silicon–germanium alloys by hydrogen dilution

AR Middya, S Ray, SJ Jones… - Journal of applied …, 1995 -
The microstructures of two sets of hydrogenated amorphous silicon-germanium (a-Sit-, Ge,:
H) alloys prepared by the plasma-enhanced, chemical-vapor-deposition technique with and …

Performance improvement of amorphous silicon germanium single junction solar cell modules by low temperature annealing

GH Wang, CY Shi, L Zhao, RD Hu, LL Li, G Wang… - Thin Solid Films, 2014 - Elsevier
The performances of p–i–n amorphous silicon germanium (a-SiGe: H) solar cell modules
were investigated post annealing at different temperatures. When the annealing temperature …

Quantitative ASAXS of germanium inhomogeneities in amorphous silicon–germanium alloys

G Goerigk, DL Williamson - Journal of non-crystalline solids, 2001 - Elsevier
The nanostructure of hydrogenated amorphous silicon germanium alloys, a-Si1− xGex: H
(x∼ 0.15 to 0.57), prepared by different plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition …

Techniques for measuring the composition of hydrogenated amorphous silicon–germanium alloys

BP Nelson, Y Xu, JD Webb, A Mason, RC Reedy… - Journal of non …, 2000 - Elsevier
We grow hydrogenated amorphous silicon–germanium alloys by the hot-wire chemical
vapor deposition (HWCVD) technique at deposition rates between 0.5 and 1.4 nm per …

Nanostructured Ge distribution in a-SiGe: H alloys from anomalous small-angle X-ray scattering studies

G Goerigk, DL Williamson - Solid state communications, 1998 - Elsevier
The nanostructures of hydrogenated amorphous silicon germanium alloys, a-Si1− xGex: H
(x∼ 0.5 to 0.7), prepared by different plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition …

Hydrogen-bonding configuration effects on the optoelectronic properties of glow discharge a-Si1− xGex: H with large x

Y Bouizem, A Belfedal, JD Sib, A Kebab… - Journal of Physics …, 2007 -
The optical and structural properties of hydrogenated amorphous silicon–germanium (a-Si
1− x Ge x: H) films, deposited at high growth rate by radio-frequency (RF) glow discharge on …