Simulation of ground motion using the stochastic method

DM Boore - Pure and applied geophysics, 2003 - Springer
A simple and powerful method for simulating ground motions is to combine parametric or
functional descriptions of the ground motion's amplitude spectrum with a random phase …

Stochastic finite-fault modeling based on a dynamic corner frequency

D Motazedian, GM Atkinson - Bulletin of the …, 2005 -
In finite-fault modeling of earthquake ground motions, a large fault is divided into N
subfaults, where each subfault is considered as a small point source. The ground motions …

Modeling finite-fault radiation from the ωn spectrum

IA Beresnev, GM Atkinson - Bulletin of the Seismological …, 1997 -
The high-frequency seismic field near the epicenter of a large earthquake is modeled by
subdividing the fault plane into subelements and summing their contributions at the …

Stochastic modeling of California ground motions

GM Atkinson, W Silva - Bulletin of the Seismological …, 2000 -
Ground-motion relations are developed for California using a stochastic simulation method
that exploits the equivalence between finite-fault models and a two-corner point-source …

[PDF][PDF] FINSIM--a FORTRAN program for simulating stochastic acceleration time histories from finite faults

IA Beresnev, GM Atkinson - Seismological Research Letters, 1998 -
Ground motions from earthquakes are created by ruptures on tectonic faults. The causative
faults can be considered point sources at distances large compared to the fault dimensions …

Nonlinear and linear site response and basin effects in Seattle for the M 6.8 Nisqually, Washington, earthquake

AD Frankel, DL Carver… - Bulletin of the …, 2002 -
We used recordings of the M 6.8 Nisqually earthquake and its ML 3.4 aftershock to study site
response and basin effects for 35 locations in Seattle, Washington. We determined site …

Stochastic finite-fault modeling of ground motions from the 1994 Northridge, California, earthquake. I. Validation on rock sites

IA Beresnev, GM Atkinson - Bulletin of the Seismological …, 1998 -
The stochastic method of simulating ground motions from finite faults is validated against
strong-motion data from the M 6.7 1994 Northridge, California, earthquake. The finite-fault …

An empirical study of earthquake source spectra for California earthquakes

GM Atkinson, W Silva - Bulletin of the Seismological …, 1997 -
We generalize source, path, and site effects for California earthquakes as functions of
magnitude and distance, based on regression analysis of 1000 Fourier acceleration spectra …

Simulation of near-fault strong-ground motion using hybrid Green's functions

A Pitarka, P Somerville… - Bulletin of the …, 2000 -
The recently proposed hybrid Green's function method is designed to combine the
advantages of both deterministic and stochastic approaches to simulating broadband …

Rock and Stiff‐Soil Site Amplification: Dependency on VS30 and Kappa (κ0)

A Laurendeau, F Cotton… - Bulletin of the …, 2013 -
A ground‐motion prediction equation (GMPE) specific to rock and stiff‐soil sites is derived
using seismic motion recorded on high VS 30 sites in Japan. This GMPE applies to events …