Z Feng, GT Schuster - Geophysics, 2017 - library.seg.org
We use elastic least-squares reverse time migration (LSRTM) to invert for the reflectivity images of P-and S-wave impedances. Elastic LSRTM solves the linearized elastic-wave …
This book describes the theory and practice of inverting seismic data for the subsurface rock properties of the earth. The primary application is for inverting reflection and/or transmission …
Given a correct (data-consistent) velocity model, reverse time migration (RTM) correctly positions reflectors but generally with incorrect amplitudes and wavelets. Iterative least …
Least-squares migration (LSM) iteratively achieves a mean-square best fit to seismic reflection data, provided that a kinematically accurate velocity model is available. The …
In the correlative least-squares reverse time migration (CLSRTM) scheme, a stacked image is updated using a gradient-based inversion algorithm. However, CLSRTM experiences the …
D Trad* - SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2015, 2015 - library.seg.org
Least squares migration (LSM), like interpolation, has the potential to address sampling issues on migrated images; it also generates images with better amplitudes than standard …
C Li, J Huang, Z Li, R Wang - Geophysics, 2018 - library.seg.org
This study derives a preconditioned stochastic conjugate gradient (CG) method that combines stochastic optimization with singular spectrum analysis (SSA) denoising to …
DJ Verschuur, AJ Berkhout - The Leading Edge, 2015 - library.seg.org
In seismic exploration, multiple reflections traditionally have been labeled as unwanted signal, and a huge effort has been made to remove them. Despite great advancements …