Kajian implementasi teori respon butir dalam menganalisis instrumen tes materi fisika

A Andayani, TR Ramalis - Prosiding Seminar Nasional …, 2019 - proceedings2.upi.edu
Hasil studi pendahuluan yang dilakukan melalui wawancara terhadap beberapa guru fisika
di kota Bandung menunjukan bahwa kebanyakan guru tidak melakukan analisis terhadap …

[PDF][PDF] Pengembangan instrumen asesmen pengetahuan pada materi asam basa arrhenius

E Irmayta, RB Rudibyani, T Efkar - Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran …, 2018 - core.ac.uk
This research aimed to describe the validity, reliability, difficulty, discrimination power and
responses of teachers and students to knowledge assessment instruments on Arrhenius …

Image and Accusations

JH Santoso - Kata Kita: Journal of Language, Literature, and …, 2018 - katakita.petra.ac.id
Hoax news became more apparent in the recent time in Indonesia. This creative work would
like to find out how the hoax destroys life and the struggle to restore. Later, I would like to …

Developing An Achievement Test in Learning of Physics for Assessment

A Dhien, K Kumaidi - Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia, 2021 - journal.unnes.ac.id
The aims of the study are to know the advantage of achievement test in learning physics
developed by utilizing item specifications and the ability distribution of tenth grade students …

Item Response Theory Analysis on Student Statistical Literacy Tests

MY Herosian, YR Sihombing… - PEDAGOGIK: Jurnal …, 2022 - ejournal.unuja.ac.id
This study aims to evaluate the quality of statistical literacy instruments. With the ex post
facto approach, the results of the statistical literacy tests of 150 students were used. Data …

Analisis butir soal ujian tengah semester mata kuliah probabilitas: Bagaimana kualitasnya?

DA Krisma, S Fatih'Adna - PYTHAGORAS: JURNAL PROGRAM …, 2023 - journal.unrika.ac.id
Butir soal dalam suatu instrumen tes untuk asesmen pembelajaran perlu diketahui
kualitasnya melalui karakteristik butir soal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan …

Penerapan pembelajaran fisika berbasis STEM pada materi gelombang bunyi terhadap peningkatan keterampilan creative problem solving siswa SMA

LN Hanifah, H Rusnayati… - … Seminar Nasional Fisika, 2023 - proceedings2.upi.edu
Sampel yang diteliti yaitu siswa kelas XI di salah satu SMA negeri di kota Cimahi sebanyak
31 orang. Adapun instrument yang digunakan yaitu soal essay sebanyak 2 soal dari dua …

Karakteristik Tes Two-Tier Keterampilan Proses Sains Ditinjau dari Aspek Hipotesis Berdasarkan Graded Response Model

MM Fitria, DT Chandra… - … Seminar Nasional Fisika, 2023 - proceedings2.upi.edu
GRM. Tes keterampilan proses sains yang dikonstruksi didasarkan pada aspek
keterampilan proses sains yang dikembangkan oleh Rustaman (2007). Aspek yang …

How good are the characteristics of the mathematics national standardized school examination items in vocational school?

AZ Fathin, H Retnawati - Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
Abstract National Standardized School Examination is one of the exams used to determine
the graduation of vocational school students. This study aims to determine the …

Analysis of the quality of mathematical examination items for high school 'A'in Bekasi

YF Siregar, R Setiadi - AIP Conference Proceedings, 2021 - pubs.aip.org
The parameters of educational success can be measured by conducting an educational
assessment in the form of an evaluation. In the process of evaluation, especially learning …