Aim We aim to report what hyperspectral remote sensing can offer for invasion ecologists and review recent progress made in plant invasion research using hyperspectral remote …
Hyperspectral data (Table 1) is acquired as continuous narrowbands (eg, each band with 1 to 10 nanometer or nm bandwidths) over a range of electromagnetic spectrum (eg, 400 …
Abstract In 2007, the NASA Hyperspectral InfraRed Imager (HyspIRI) mission was recommended in Earth Science and Applications from Space: National Imperatives for the …
Over the past 30 years, one of the most rapidly expanding areas in ecology has been the development of structured population models, where individuals have attributes such as …
Population viability can depend on habitat area, habitat quality, the spatial arrangement of habitats (aggregations and connections) and the properties of the intervening non‐breeding …
Advanced imaging spectral technology and hyperspectral analysis techniques for multiple applications are the key features of the book. This book will present in one volume complete …
Plant invasions represent a threat not only to biodiversity and ecosystem functioning but also to the character of traditional landscapes. Despite the worldwide efforts to control and …
Roads and roadsides provide dispersal channels for non-native invasive alien plants (IAP), many of which hold devastating impacts in the economy, human health, biodiversity and …
The importance of dispersal rates and distances has long been appreciated by ecologists and evolutionary biologists. An emerging field of research is revealing how temporal …