Dalam artikel ini, penulis melihat fenomena anak muda kristen yang tidak berkarakter Allah, serta hidup tidak sesuai dengan kebenaran Allah. Karakter mereka rusak dengan …
Internalisasi adalah proses panjang sejak seorang individu dilahirkan, sampai hampir meninggal, di mana dia belajar dalam menanamkan segala perasaan dalam kepribadianya …
A Aswan, T Salurante - Jurnal Apokalupsis, 2023 - ojs.hits.ac.id
The media currently plays an important role, one of which is the entertainment media for romantic drama films. Romantic drama films are one of the most popular genres of various …
F Bahri, R Sandi, R Adawiyah, N Syakilah - 2023 - jurnal.wu-institute.com
The objective of this study was to explore how the community internalizes the rituals of The Jabal Qubis Naqsyabandiyah congregation to strengthen their faith, as well as to …
Everyone aspires to live in peace since a believer's life is never free from the trials and tribulations of life. People find it challenging to comprehend and experience the meaning of …