Within a decade, the field of magnetic skyrmionics has developed from a niche prediction to a huge and active research field. Not only do magnetic skyrmions—magnetic whirls with a …
The spontaneous magnetic orders arising in ferro-, ferri-and antiferromagnets stem from various magnetic interactions. Depending on the interplay and competition among the …
The current data revolution has, in part, been enabled by decades of research into magnetism and spin phenomena. For example, milestones such as the observation of giant …
Antiferromagnetic materials could represent the future of spintronic applications thanks to the numerous interesting features they combine: they are robust against perturbation due to …
Atomistic modelling of magnetic materials provides unprecedented detail about the underlying physical processes that govern their macroscopic properties, and allows the …
The field of spintronics, or magnetic electronics, is maturing and giving rise to new subfields. These new directions involve the study of collective spin excitations and couplings of the …
Widespread applications of magnetic devices require an efficient means to manipulate the local magnetization. One mechanism is the electrical spin-transfer torque associated with …
Spintronics is about the coupled electron spin and charge transport in condensed-matter structures and devices. The recently invigorated field of spin caloritronics focuses on the …
The spin Seebeck effect refers to the generation of a spin voltage caused by a temperature gradient in a ferromagnet, which enables the thermal injection of spin currents from the …