Tissue culture in ornamentals: Cultivation factors, propagation techniques, and its application

H Mehbub, A Akter, MA Akter, MSH Mandal, MA Hoque… - Plants, 2022 - mdpi.com
Ornamentals come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors to suit a wide range of climates,
landscapes, and gardening needs. Compared to demand, a shortage of plant materials and …

Enhancing the Aesthetic and Health Standards of Croton Plants (Codiaeum variegatum) through Integrated Fertilization with Natural Stimulants and Mineral Nutrients

HY Massoud, BA Mohamed, F Ibrahim… - Journal of Plant …, 2023 - jpp.journals.ekb.eg
The study aimed to pinpoint the most efficacious natural stimulant in conjunction with
mineral fertilization (N, P, K) and provide actionable guidelines for enhancing the health and …

Potential Effect of Cobalt and Selenium on Croton Plants Grown under Saline Conditions

WMF Abd–Elhady, AG Badour - Journal of Plant Production, 2023 - journals.ekb.eg
The search for a viable alternative to freshwater such as the use of wastewater to irrigate
ornamental plants has become particularly important due to Egypt's water scarcity problems …

Impact of Kinetin and Benzyladenine on Growth Performance of Croton in Vitro

HIM El-Gedawey, AIH Abido… - … Science Exchange Journal, 2020 - journals.ekb.eg
This study was carried out in the tissue culture laboratory, Faculty of Agric., Saba Basha,
Alex. Univ. to fined reliable protocol for in vitro propagation of Croton (Codiaeum variegatun …

Influence of Some Micro and Macro-Nutrients on Growth, and Chemical Constituents of Croton (Codiaeum Variegatum) L Plants.

RF Beshier - Annals of Agricultural Science, Moshtohor, 2024 - journals.ekb.eg
A pot croton (Cdiaeum variegatum) experimental study was conducted at the Floriculture
Nursery of the Hort. Dept., Faculty of Agriculture, Moshtohor, Benha University, during 2022 …


AW Sayed - Scientific Journal of Flowers and Ornamental …, 2021 - sjfop.journals.ekb.eg
An experiment was conducted at the Tissue Culture Laboratory of Al-Zohriya Garden, Hort.
Res. Inst., ARC, Giza, Egypt during 2018 and 2019 seasons, with the aim to determine the …