This essay looks at the American popular reception of modernist little magazines and of writers who were regularly published there, including James Joyce and Gertrude Stein. In …
JA Suárez - New Literary History, 2001 -
Here is a well-kept secret about modernism: during the period of composition of The Waste Land, throughout 1921 and early 1922, TS Eliot was attached to his gramophone much in …
Perhaps no question has proved as vexing as the troubled relationship between modernism and popular culture. It is a commonplace to note that modernist works of art were tireless in …
This book explores the ways in which Blake reacted to the subcultures of his day, as well as how he has inspired popular, modernist and postmodernist figures until the present day …
L Johnson - Journal of Modern Literature, 2003 -
Hare: Poems 1909–1917, editor Christopher Ricks said he feared “such scabrous exuberances may lend themselves to either the wrong kind or the wrong amount of …
ND Hargrove - Journal of popular culture, 2003 -
During TS Eliot's sojourn in Paris as a 22-year-old student during the academic year 1910- 1911, he was without doubt primarily drawn to its offerings of high culture, such as the visual …
TS Eliot is seldom considered a satirist, even though satirical elements have long been perceived in his early poetry, most notably by Hugh Kenner and WB Yeats. Building on the …
Modernist poetry, in its fragmented form, continues to intrigue readers. In this sequel to A Flowering Word (Peter Lang, 2000), Noriko Takeda clarifies the modernist schism's …
В статье рассматриваются особенности литературных аллюзий в стихотворениях поэтической книги «Популярная наука о кошках, написанная Старым Опоссумом» ТС …