VJ Leffa - Pesquisa em linguística aplicada: temas e métodos …, 2006 - leffa.pro.br
Método O autor descreve a metodologia do Estudo de Caso de modo bem detalhado. Note como essa metodologia pode ser aplicada não só ao ensino mediado por computador, mas …
O presente artigo pretende abordar a aplicação dos princípios da bioética (beneficência, autonomia e justiça) no contexto da educação no Ensino Superior, trabalhando …
Learner autonomy is widely recognised as a desirable goal in tertiary education as it is found to comply with learner-centred approaches and enable students to pursue life-long …
This book examines this contested relationship between assessment and autonomy from a number of perspectives in a variety of Higher Education language-learning contexts in …
M Hashemian, KH Soureshjani - Theory and Practice in …, 2011 - academypublication.com
Among various variables affecting the learning of a language, motivation and autonomy play salient roles. The present study aimed at investigating the possible relationship among …
JCF Braga - DELTA: Documentação de estudos em lingüística …, 2008 - SciELO Brasil
Drawing on Complexity Theory and on the literature of autonomy, the discussions herein presented will center around the language learner process of autonomy as a complex …
MJ Raya, F Vieira - … in Language Education. https://doi. org …, 2020 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Langues at the University of Nancy II, France–was founded by Yves Chalôn in 1969 and directed by Henri Holec from 1972 to 1988 when he retired. Its origins are described by …
CH Rocha - DELTA: Documentação de Estudos em Lingüística …, 2007 - SciELO Brasil
O objetivo deste artigo é discutir acerca do ensino de línguas estrangeiras (LE) para crianças. Respaldando-nos em princípios da teoria Sócio-cultural (Vygotsky, 1978) e do …
This book explores theories of space and place in relation to autonomy in language learning. Encompassing a wide range of linguistically and culturally diverse learning …