Large-scale quantum effects have always played an important role in the foundations of quantum theory. With recent experimental progress and the aspiration for quantum …
Recent advances in cooling, control, and measurement of mechanical systems in the quantum regime have opened the possibility of the first direct observation of quantum …
The notion of macrorealism was introduced by Leggett and Garg in an attempt to capture our intuitive conception of the macroscopic world, which seems difficult to reconcile with our …
In this study, we determine a violation of the Leggett-Garg inequalities due to gravitational interaction in a hybrid system consisting of a harmonic oscillator and a spatially localized …
Leggett and Garg formulated macrorealist models encoding our intuition on classical systems, ie, physical quantities have a definite value that can be measured with minimal …
The search for empirical schemes to evidence the nonclassicality of large masses is a central quest of current research. However, practical schemes to witness the irreducible …
The Leggett-Garg inequality holds for any macrorealistic system that is being measured noninvasively. A violation of the inequality can signal that a system does not conform to our …
Abstract The Leggett–Garg inequality attempts to classify experimental outcomes as arising from one of two possible classes of physical theories: those described by macrorealism …
The law of entropy increase postulates the existence of irreversible processes in physics: the total entropy of an isolated system can increase, but cannot decrease. The annihilation of an …