Displaying and performing: Polish transnational families in Ireland Skyping grandparents in Poland

M Share, C Williams, L Kerrins - New Media & Society, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
For transnational families, doing and displaying family is enabled by communications
technologies like Skype. We draw on the concept of family display in an analysis of data …

[PDF][PDF] Elternschaft unter Beobachtung: Herausforderungen für Mütter und Väter mit Migrationshintergrund.

M Westphal, S Motzek-Öz, BÖ Otyakmaz - Journal for Sociology of …, 2017 - beltz.de
Der Ausbau der frühen Bildung wird ua von der Figur risikobehafteter Eltern–sozial schwach
und/oder mit Migrationshintergrund–getragen. Insbesondere in dieser Weise beobachtete …

Love's labour's lost? Separation as a constraint on displays of transnational daughterhood

H Kara, S Wrede - Sociology, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
This article develops sociological knowledge on daughterhood through an analysis of how
separation shapes the emotional and moral dynamics of transnational daughterhood …

Migrant family display: A strategy for achieving recognition and validation in the host country

J Walsh - Sociological Research Online, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
This article draws on the narratives of 10 migrant families living in a predominantly White
British northern UK city, Hull, and brings together the typically distinct fields of the sociology …

Displaying grandparenting within Romanian transnational families

V Ducu - Global Networks, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
In this article, I use the analytical framework of 'displaying family relationships' to explore the
transnational grandparenting practices of Romanian families. I discuss the theoretical …

Transnational Doing family im Kontext von Fluchtmigration. Konturen eines Forschungsansatzes

M Westphal, S Motzek-Öz, S Aden - … im Aufbruch: Methodologische und …, 2019 - Springer
Geflüchtete werden nicht nur als Individuen, sondern auch als familiale beziehungsweise
verwandtschaftliche Kollektive im öffentlichen und politischen Diskurs stark polarisiert …

The elderly in transnational family configurations: Migration, inter-generational relations and care support in Switzerland

C Bolzman - Handbook of transnational families around the world, 2023 - Springer
This chapter examines the following question: How does the old age of individuals within
transnational families impact on migration patterns of transnational family members …

[图书][B] Addressing challenging behaviors and mental health issues in early childhood

M Bayat - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
Now in a fully updated second edition, this essential volume provides research-based
strategies to help educators address challenging behaviors in early childhood and …

Displaying family at a women's refuge

S Henze-Pedersen, M Järvinen - The Sociological Review, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
This article explores the family relationships of mothers and children living at a women's
refuge because of intimate partner violence. Theoretically, the article contributes to the …

Interpretations of sustainability beyond the middle class

K Beasy - Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 2020 - cambridge.org
Critical discourses of sustainability challenge modern rhetoric of economic growth and
challenge current modes of social development. Yet sustainability discourses are shaped …