Magnetic field technology in improving the quality of food refrigeration and freezing: Mechanisms, applications, and challenges

S Zhao, J Wu, Z Guo, D Wang, J Chen, Q Liu… - Journal of Stored …, 2024 - Elsevier
Refrigeration and freezing technologies are widely used to maintain the quality and safety of
food. However, some traditional methods often result in the loss of cellular structural …

Synergistic effect of static magnetic field and modified atmosphere packaging in controlling blown pack spoilage in meatballs

Y Chen, AP Bassey, Y Bai, S Teng, G Zhou, K Ye - Foods, 2022 -
This study aimed to compare the microbial diversity in meatballs with or without blown pack
spoilage (BPS) to determine the cause of BPS and to assess the synergistic effect of static …

[PDF][PDF] 磁场与食品保鲜研究进展

汪滢, 史慧新, 伍志刚, 张明明, 张欣 - 电工技术学报, 2021 -
摘要食品保鲜与人类生活息息相关. 食品保鲜技术一直以尽可能保持食品原有品质为目标,
并不断地寻求更高效, 更经济以及更安全的新方法. 随着近年来生物研究和工程技术的发展 …

Analysis of Physical Resistance of Apple Tomatoes After Exposed to A Magnetic Field Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Intensity 600 µT and 1000 µT

S Sudarti, SUK Nur, E Permatasari… - Jurnal Penelitian …, 2022 -
Apple tomatoes with the scientific name Lycopersicum Pyriporme can last 7 days at room
temperature and 14 days if stored in the refrigerator. The purpose of this study was to …

[PDF][PDF] Analisis ketahanan fisik jamur tiram oleh paparan medan magnet extremely low frequency (elf) intensitas 600 μT dan 900 μT

E Yuniarta, FKA Sudarti & Anggraeni - Jurnal Fisika Unand (JFU), 2022 -
Gelombang elektromagnetik Extremely Low Frequency merupakan salah satu jenis dari
radiasi non ionizing karena gelombang ELF memiliki nilai frekuensi lebih kecil dari 300 Hz …

Analisis perubahan ph dan tekstur daging buah naga merah (hylocereus polyrhizus) oleh pengaruh paparan medan magnet extremely low frequency (elf)

I Lutfiyah, S Sudarti, S Bektiarso - ORBITA: Jurnal Pendidikan …, 2022 -
Buah naga daging merah keunguan dengan nama latin Hylocereus polyrhizus merupakan
salah satu jenis produk holtikultura yang saat ini sedang populer. Kandungan air 90 …

Pengaruh paparan medan magnet terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri Lactobacillus acidophilus, derajat keasaman (pH), kadar lemak, dan protein susu sapi

S Indana - 2023 -
Skripsi ini saya persembahkan untuk:• Kedua orang tua saya, Agus Budi Harjo dan Endang
Kusmiati yang selalu mendoakan, memberi motivasi, kasih sayang, dan support untuk …

[PDF][PDF] Synergistic Effect of Static Magnetic Field and Modified Atmosphere Packaging in Controlling Blown Pack Spoilage in Meatballs. Foods 2022, 11, 1374

Y Chen, AP Bassey, Y Bai, S Teng, G Zhou, K Ye - 2022 -
This study aimed to compare the microbial diversity in meatballs with or without blown pack
spoilage (BPS) to determine the cause of BPS and to assess the synergistic effect of static …

Pengaruh Paparan Medan Magnet Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) terhadap Derajat Keasaman (pH), Massa Jenis (ρ) dan Kualitas Fisik Buah Tomat

Tomat apel memiliki nama ilmiah Lycopersicum Pyriporme. Tomat dapat bertahan 7 hari
pada suhu ruang dan 14 hari jika disimpan pada lemari es. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah …