Whitebark pine populations are declining nearly range-wide, primarily from the exotic fungal pathogen that causes white pine blister rust (WPBR). Climate change is expected to …
Recent, widespread tree mortality in the western US resulting from changes in climate, pathogens, insect activity, and forest management practices has led to concerns for many …
We present novel evidence of environmental drivers of seedling density in Abies nephrolepis, an alpine and subalpine tree species. Continuous monitoring of natural …
Research Highlights: Limber pine (Pinus flexilis) is abundant in some alpine treeline ecotone (ATE) communities east of the Continental Divide in Rocky Mountain National Park …
Maintaining pine species in forests of North America is an important concern for land managers and other stakeholders. A key set of species are the “high-five,” a group of five …
Recent, large-scale tree mortality in the western US, resulting from changes in climate, pathogens, insect activity, and forest management practices has led to concerns for many …
АP Sizykh - The bulletin of Irkutsk State University.« …, 2021 - izvestiageo.isu.ru
While performing studies we imposed the tasks to reveal general (background) characteristics of structural-dynamic organization of the vegetation and to find out the …