The study aimed to evaluate the effect of SOYXYL as one of the dietary protected protein supplement product in the rations on the reproduction performance of Simmental bulls …
Penulisan buku teks ini masih dirasa kurang sempurna dan masih banyak terdapat kesalahan serta kekurangan, oleh karena itu kritik dan saran dari para pembaca sangat …
Bu araştırma, dört farklı soya ürününün [Soya küspesi (SK), soy pass (SP), soya flake (SF), tam yağlı soya (TYS)] in-situ ve in-vitro parçalanabilirliğinin belirlenmesi amacıyla …
The study aimed to evaluate the effect of SOYXYL as one of the dietary protected protein supplement product in the rations on the reproduction performance of Simmental bulls …