Microarchitectural vulnerabilities, such as Meltdown and Spectre, exploit subtle microarchitecture state to steal the user's secret data and even compromise the operating …
The drive to create thinner, lighter, and more energy efficient devices has resulted in modern SoCs being forced to balance a delicate tradeoff between power consumption, heat …
Differential Power Analysis (DPA) measures single-bit differences between data values used in computer systems by statistical analysis of power traces. In this paper, we show that …
Deep Neural Network (DNN) models are often deployed in resource-sharing clouds as Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) to provide inference services. To steal model …
A Geimer, M Vergnolle, F Recoules, LA Daniel… - Proceedings of the …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
To protect cryptographic implementations from side-channel vulnerabilities, developers must adopt constant-time programming practices. As these can be error-prone, many side …
Violating the Von Neumann sequential processing principle at the microarchitectural level is commonplace to reach high performing CPU hardware—violations are safe as long as …
Modern processors dynamically control their operating frequency to optimize resource utilization, maximize energy savings, and conform to system-defined constraints. If, during …
Y Wang, R Paccagnella, A Wandke… - … IEEE Symposium on …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The recent Hertzbleed disclosure demonstrates how remote-timing analysis can reveal secret information previously only accessible to local-power analysis. At worst, this …
Microarchitectural attacks typically rely on precise timing sources to uncover short-lived secret-dependent activity in the processor. In response, many browsers and even CPU …