Complex networks have become the main paradigm for modelling the dynamics of interacting systems. However, networks are intrinsically limited to describing pairwise …
Higher-order networks describe the many-body interactions of a large variety of complex systems, ranging from the the brain to collaboration networks. Simplicial complexes are …
Over the past two decades, complex network theory provided the ideal framework for investigating the intimate relationships between the topological properties characterizing the …
Higher-order networks have emerged as a powerful framework to model complex systems and their collective behavior. Going beyond pairwise interactions, they encode structured …
Gathering events, eg, going to gyms and meetings, are ubiquitous and crucial in the spreading phenomena, which induce higher-order interactions, and thus can be described …
Real-world networks often consist of millions of heterogenous elements that interact at multiple timescales and length scales. The fields of statistical physics and control theory both …
Simplicial complexes capture the underlying network topology and geometry of complex systems ranging from the brain to social networks. Here we show that algebraic topology is a …
Percolation establishes the connectivity of complex networks and is one of the most fundamental critical phenomena for the study of complex systems. On simple networks …
Understanding how the interplay between higher-order and multilayer structures of interconnections influences the synchronization behaviors of dynamical systems is a …