In this paper, we compare the properties of dative and genitive objects in Classical vs. Modern Greek. Based on the difference in behavior of dative/genitive objects of ditransitives …
This article analyzes inherent clitics of idiomatic constructions as verbal arguments (Jelinek, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 2: 39–76, 1984; Baker, The polysynthesis …
D Heap, Y Roberge - Revue québécoise de linguistique, 2001 -
Résumé Voici un survol des tendances depuis trente ans en syntaxe générative à propos des clitiques pronominaux. Perlmutter 1971 propose que des conditions de surface sont …
This article discusses novel experiencer‐object verbs (NEO s) and proposes to align their syntax as well as the syntax of nonagentive experiencer‐object verbs to the syntax of verbs …
N Arellano - Forma y función, 2020 -
Este artículo busca describir un proceso novedoso de formación de palabras del español rioplatense en que el pronombre acusativo femenino la puede unirse a bases patrimoniales …
J Stahnke, L Arnaus Gil, N Müller - Languages, 2021 -
Research on child heritage speakers (HSs) has shown successful language acquisition, comparable to monolinguals, whereas research on adult HSs often claims incomplete …
Z Wang - Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, 2022 -
This paper deals with a set of idiomatic expressions in Spanish which typically display a non- referential feminine clitic la/las as a constituent (eg pasar la bien 'to have a good time'). In …
El fenómeno de los clíticos marginales ha sido estudiado en distintas lenguas romances y en lenguas como el griego moderno (Spitzer 1941, Bibis & Roberge 2004, Espinal 2009 …
This article discusses the development of the contrastive-partitive function of the possessive= eš in colloquial Persian. Examples of colloquial Persian show that the third …