M Shafie Dastjerdy - The Monthly Scientific Journal of Bagh-e Nazar, 2013 - bagh-sj.com
It is almost four decades from preparing and executing developmental urban plans (master and detailed), but there has been no real practical success in urban development. Lack of …
There is widespread recognition today that we are living in a period of profound technological, social, economic and political change, and that this process of change is …
Pakistan is likely to reside in housing projects. This is owing to Pakistani wish to live in a calm environment with all facilities. Some of the salient features that enable housing …
N Ramezani Aghdash, M Ostadi - International Journal of …, 2018 - journals.srbiau.ac.ir
Network of public spaces composes of a network of interconnected land use and various elements of the city, such as synthetic and natural which shows the city as a whole. Network …
This work on the concept of creative cities is a response to my search, as a student of urban design, for innovative new strategies for redevelopment in worn out and distressed urban …