Quantum information is a rapidly advancing area of interdisciplinary research. It may lead to real-world applications for communication and computation unavailable without the …
We propose several methods for quantum key distribution (QKD) based on the generation and transmission of random distributions of coherent or squeezed states, and we show that …
Electrically driven semiconductor lasers are used in technologies ranging from telecommunications and information storage to medical diagnostics and therapeutics. The …
Quantum continuous variables are being explored,,,,,,,,,,,, as an alternative means to implement quantum key distribution, which is usually based on single photon counting. The …
Continuous-variable systems realized in quantum optics play a major role in quantum information processing, and it is also one of the promising candidates for a scalable …
These notes originated out of a set of lectures in Quantum Optics and Quantum Information given by one of us (MGAP) at the University of Napoli and the University of Milano. A quite …
The impossibility of perfectly copying (or cloning) an unknown quantum state is one of the basic rules governing the physics of quantum systems. The processes that perform the …
We show that no distillation protocol for Gaussian quantum states exists that relies on (i) arbitrary local unitary operations that preserve the Gaussian character of the state and (ii) …
A continuous key-distribution scheme is proposed that relies on a pair of conjugate quantum variables. It allows two remote parties to share a secret Gaussian key by encoding it into one …