Modeling time in computing: a taxonomy and a comparative survey

CA Furia, D Mandrioli, A Morzenti, M Rossi - ACM Computing Surveys …, 2010 -
The increasing relevance of areas such as real-time and embedded systems, pervasive
computing, hybrid systems control, and biological and social systems modeling is bringing a …

[图书][B] Handbook of temporal reasoning in artificial intelligence

MD Fisher, DM Gabbay, L Vila - 2005 -
This collection represents the primary reference work for researchers and students in the
area of Temporal Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence. Temporal reasoning has a vital role to …

Representing and reasoning about temporal granularities

C Combi, M Franceschet, A Peron - Journal of Logic and …, 2004 -
In this paper, we propose a new logical approach to represent and to reason about different
time granularities. We identify a time granularity as an infinite sequence of time points …

[图书][B] Metric and layered temporal logic for time granularity

A Montanari - 1996 -
This dissertation is about the design of temporal logics that deal with changing time
granularities. Time granularity can be defined as the resolution power of the temporal …

Object-oriented logical specification of time-critical systems

A Morzenti, P San Pietro - ACM Transactions on Software Engineering …, 1994 -
We define TRIO+, an object-oriented logical language for modular system specification.
TRIO+ is based on TRIO, a first-order temporal language that is well suited to the …

Time granularity

J Euzenat, A Montanari - Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, 2005 - Elsevier
The usefulness of the addition of a notion of time granularity to representation languages is
widely recognized. As an example, let us consider the problem of providing a logical …

An object-oriented temporal model

N Edelweiss, JPM de Oliveira, B Pernici - … , CAiSE'93 Paris, France, June 8 …, 1993 - Springer
The representation of complex objects and behaviors (state transitions) in information
systems is a central issue in software engineering. In an information system, supported by a …

Embedding time granularity in a logical specification language for synchronous real-time systems

E Ciapessoni, E Corsetti, A Montanari… - Science of computer …, 1993 - Elsevier
Formal methods have proved to be highly beneficial in the requirements specification phase
of software production and are particularly valuable in the development of real-time …

Time concepts in real-time software

L Motus - Control Engineering Practice, 1993 - Elsevier
Computers are increasingly being applied in time and safety critical areas of our everyday
life. Analysis of those computer systems, and prediction of their timing properties--and …

[PDF][PDF] Dividing and conquering the layered land

M Franceschet, A Montanari - 2002 -
Il mondo piattoe un mondo in cui il tempo scorre scandito da un unico orologio, in un'unica
direzione, orizzontale. Un po'noioso, direte voi. Gli abitanti di questo mondo possono …