Psychosocial job stress and immunity: a systematic review

A Nakata - Psychoneuroimmunology: methods and protocols, 2012 - Springer
The purpose of this review was to provide current knowledge about the possible association
between psychosocial job stress and immune parameters in blood, saliva, and urine. Using …

Coping with bullying at work and health related problems.

F Dehue, C Bolman, T Völlink… - International Journal of …, 2012 -
This study investigated bullying in the workplace. More specifically, it explored the mental
and physical health consequences of being bullied in the workplace and the role of coping …

[PDF][PDF] La gestión de recursos humanos y el desempeño laboral

MF Latorre Navarro - 2011 -
Me gustaría agradecer, en primer lugar, a mi director de tesis José Ramos la confianza que
ha depositado en mí y en mi capacidad investigadora, su paciencia y su ayuda cuando la …

Job satisfaction: The management tool and leadership responsibility

DA Hantula - Leadership And Cultural Change, 2018 -
Job satisfaction's tenuous relationship to a variety of work behaviors is reviewed from the
perspective of a management tool and as a leadership responsibility. It may be viewed a …

Causes of sickness absenteeism in Europe—analysis from an intercountry and gender perspective

E Antczak, KM Miszczyńska - International Journal of Environmental …, 2021 -
This study aims to extract and explain the territorially varied relation between socioeconomic
factors and absence rate from work due to own illness or disability in European countries in …

Relationship between job stress, occupational position and job satisfaction using a brief job stress questionnaire (BJSQ)

T Kawada, T Otsuka - Work, 2011 -
Objective: Subjects with higher occupational position are speculated to have higher ability to
handle with stress, and they were less affected by job stress. This study focused on the …

The use of HR policies and job satisfaction of older workers

M Visser, J Lössbroek… - Work, Aging and …, 2021 -
Against the backdrop of aging populations and policies to extend working lives, this study
advances prior research by examining how job satisfaction of older workers is associated …

Directive and nondirective social support in the workplace–is this social support distinction important for subjective health complaints, job satisfaction, and perception …

TL Johnsen, HR Eriksen, A Indahl… - … journal of public …, 2018 -
Aims: Social support is associated with well-being and positive health outcomes. However,
positive outcomes of social support might be more dependent on the way support is …

The predictive validity of the Danish Psychosocial Work Environment Questionnaire with regard to onset of depressive disorders and long-term sickness absence

T Clausen, KB Christensen, JK Sørensen… - Annals of Work …, 2023 -
Objectives To investigate the predictive validity of 32 measures of the Danish Psychosocial
Work Environment Questionnaire (DPQ) against two criteria variables: onset of depressive …

[PDF][PDF] Influencia de la insatisfacción laboral en las demandas de cambio de puesto de trabajo por motivos de salud

F Mansilla Izquierdo, JC García Micó… - Medicina y Seguridad …, 2010 - SciELO Espana
MERINO, Casimiro y CONGOSTO GONZALO, Aurora. Influencia de la insatisfacción laboral …