Scrutable and persuasive push-notifications

K Fraser, B Yousuf, O Conlan - International Conference on Persuasive …, 2019 - Springer
Push-notifications have the potential to reinforce positive behaviours when applied in an
intelligent manner. This paper explores a method of improving the delivery process of push …

A reinforcement learning and synthetic data approach to mobile notification management

R Sutton, K Fraser, O Conlan - … of the 17th International Conference on …, 2019 -
Mobile push-notifications are the primary mechanism for communicating new information to
smartphone users, however they can also have a negative impact on user emotions, reduce …

A user modeling shared challenge proposal

O Conlan, K Fraser, L Kelly, B Yousuf - Experimental IR Meets …, 2019 - Springer
Comparative evaluation in the areas of User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
(UMAP) is significantly challenging. It has always been difficult to rigorously compare …

[引用][C] Proposal for a Shared Challenge in the UMAP Space

[引用][C] Evaluating Synthetic Notification Trained Reinforcement Learning for Mobile Notification Management Systems

R Sutton