Overlapping climate policies

G Perino, RA Ritz, A Van Benthem - 2019 - nber.org
We present an integrated framework to understand the emissions impact of unilateral
overlapping policies within a carbon-pricing system." Internal carbon leakage" captures …

[PDF][PDF] Overlapping Climate Policies

G Perino, RA Ritz, AA van Benthem - 2020 - jbs.cam.ac.uk
Major carbon-pricing systems in Europe and North America involve multiple jurisdictions
(countries or states). Individual jurisdictions often pursue additional Initiatives–such as …

Overlapping Climate Policies

G Perino, RA Ritz, AA van Benthem - 2020 - JSTOR
Major carbon-pricing systems in Europe and North America involve multiple jurisdictions
(countries or states). Individual jurisdictions often pursue additional Initiatives–such as …


G Perino, RA Ritz, A van Benthem - 2019 - nber.org
The world is under pressure to deliver on the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. Individual
jurisdictions are enacting policies such as phasing out coal, taxing aviation, and supporting …

[PDF][PDF] Overlapping Climate Policies

G Perino, RA Ritz, AA van Benthem - 2021 - biee.org
Major carbon-pricing systems in Europe and North America involve multiple countries or
states. Individual jurisdictions often pursue additional initiatives—such as unilateral carbon …

Overlapping Climate Policies

G Perino, RA Ritz, A van Benthem - Available at SSRN 3998973, 2022 - papers.ssrn.com
The world is under pressure to deliver on the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. Individual
jurisdictions are enacting policies such as phasing out coal, taxing aviation, and supporting …

Overlapping Climate Policies

G Perino, RA Ritz, A van Benthem - 2019 - policycommons.net
Major carbon-pricing systems in Europe and North America involve multiple jurisdictions
(countries or states). Individual jurisdictions often pursue additional initiatives—such as …

[PDF][PDF] Overlapping Climate Policies

G Perino, RA Ritz, AA van Benthem - 2023 - arthurvanbenthem.com
Countries around the world are enacting climate policies such as coal phase-outs, aviation
taxes, and renewable energy support. These policies often overlap with a wider multi …


G Perino, R Ritz, A Van Benthem - repec.cepr.org
Major carbon-pricing systems in Europe and North America involve multiple jurisdictions
(countries or states). Individual jurisdictions often pursue additional initiatives--such as …

Overlapping Climate Policies

G Perino, RA Ritz, A van Benthem - 2019 - ideas.repec.org
The world is under pressure to deliver on the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. Individual
jurisdictions are enacting policies such as phasing out coal, taxing aviation, and supporting …