Route computation based on route-oriented vehicle trajectories

Y Zheng, Y Lou, C Zhang, X Xie - US Patent 9,261,376, 2016 - Google Patents
Assistant Examiner—Rodney P King (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Sandy Swain; Micky
Minhas; Lee & Hayes, PLLC (57) ABSTRACT Techniques for providing a route based on …

Route computation based on route-oriented vehicle trajectories

Y Zheng, Y Lou, C Zhang, X Xie - US Patent 9,261,376, 2016 -
Techniques for providing a route based on route-oriented vehicle trajectories are described.
This disclosure describes receiving GPS logs and extracting route-oriented vehicle trajectory …

Route Computation Based on Route-Oriented Vehicle Trajectories

Y Zheng, Y Lou, C Zhang, X Xie - US Patent App. 12/712,053, 2011 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND 0001. A wide range of map-based services are being offered to users
through web browsers, search engines, and as applications. Users may access the map …

Route Computation Based on Route-Oriented Vehicle Trajectories

Y Zheng, Y Lou, C Zhang, X Xie - US Patent App. 12 …, 2011 -
Techniques for providing a route based on route-oriented vehicle trajectories are described.
This disclosure describes receiving GPS logs and extracting route-oriented vehicle trajectory …