Learning transportation modes from raw GPS data

Y Zheng, L Wang, L Liu, X Xie - US Patent 8,015,144, 2011 - Google Patents
Feature Extraction Mechanism terized as walk segments or non-walk segments based on
Velocity and/or acceleration. Features corresponding to each of those walk segments or non …

Learning transportation modes from raw gps data

Y Zheng, L Wang, L Liu, X Xie - US Patent App. 12/037,305, 2009 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND 0002 Many users of global positioning system (GPS) devices upload their
GPS data (tracks) to the Internet, some times in conjunction with photographs and the like …

Learning transportation modes from raw GPS data

Y Zheng, L Wang, L Liu, X Xie - US Patent 8,015,144, 2011 - freepatentsonline.com
Described is a technology by which raw GPS data is processed into segments of a trip, with
a predicted mode of transportation (eg, walking, car, bus, bicycling) determined for each …


Y Zheng, L Wang, L Liu, X Xie - US Patent App. 12/037,305, 2009 - freepatentsonline.com
Described is a technology by which raw GPS data is processed into segments of a trip, with
a predicted mode of transportation (eg, walking, car, bus, bicycling) determined for each …