G-Index Model: A generic model of index schemes for top-k spatial-keyword queries

HY Kwon, H Wang, KY Whang - World wide web, 2015 - Springer
A top-k spatial-keyword query returns the k best spatio-textual objects ranked based on their
proximity to the query location and relevance to the query keywords. Various index schemes …

RASIM: a rank-aware separate index method for answering top-k spatial keyword queries

HY Kwon, KY Whang, IY Song, H Wang - World Wide Web, 2013 - Springer
A top-k spatial keyword query returns k objects having the highest (or lowest) scores with
regard to spatial proximity as well as text relevancy. Approaches for answering top-k spatial …

SKIF-P: a point-based indexing and ranking of web documents for spatial-keyword search

A Khodaei, C Shahabi, C Li - Geoinformatica, 2012 - Springer
There is a significant commercial and research interest in location-based web search
engines. Given a number of search keywords and one or more locations (geographical …

Efficient Algorithms and Cost Models for Reverse Spatial-Keyword k-Nearest Neighbor Search

Y Lu, J Lu, G Cong, W Wu, C Shahabi - ACM Transactions on Database …, 2014 - dl.acm.org
Geographic objects associated with descriptive texts are becoming prevalent, justifying the
need for spatial-keyword queries that consider both locations and textual descriptions of the …

Reverse spatial and textual k nearest neighbor search

J Lu, Y Lu, G Cong - Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGMOD …, 2011 - dl.acm.org
Geographic objects associated with descriptive texts are becoming prevalent. This gives
prominence to spatial keyword queries that take into account both the locations and textual …

A density-based approach to the retrieval of top-k spatial textual clusters

D Wu, CS Jensen - Proceedings of the 25th ACM International on …, 2016 - dl.acm.org
Spatial keyword queries retrieve spatial textual objects that are near a query location and
are relevant to query keywords. The paper defines the top-k spatial textual clusters (k-STC) …

Dynamically ranked top-k spatial keyword search

S Ray, BG Nickerson - Proceedings of the Third International ACM …, 2016 - dl.acm.org
With the growing data volume and popularity of Web services and Location-Based Services
(LBS) new spatio-textual application are emerging. These applications are contributing to a …

Reverse Keyword Search for Spatio-Textual Top- Queries in Location-Based Services

X Lin, J Xu, H Hu - IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Spatio-textual queries retrieve the most similar objects with respect to a given location and a
keyword set. Existing studies mainly focus on how to efficiently find the top-k result set given …

Scalable top-k spatial keyword search

D Zhang, KL Tan, AKH Tung - … of the 16th international conference on …, 2013 - dl.acm.org
In this big data era, huge amounts of spatial documents have been generated everyday
through various location based services. Top-k spatial keyword search is an important …

Popularity-based top-k spatial-keyword preference query

CMV de Andrade, JB Rocha-Junior - … of the 25th Brazillian symposium on …, 2019 - dl.acm.org
Applications based on spatial data has become present in our daily lives. Spatial data can
be used to represent objects such as roads, bus stops, restaurants and schools. Some of …