Building children's learning motivation through positive reinforcement in science and math classroom

T Sumiati, N Septiani, S Widodo… - Journal of Physics …, 2019 -
This research is based on how the teacher builds a learning motivation of 5-6 years old
children. In the classroom, sometimes children's motivation decrease, there is one way to …

Meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa melalui pemberian reward dan punisment bagi siswa Madrasah Tsanawiyah

A Ahmad, P Parihin… - Jurnal Riset …, 2021 -
The purpose of this study is to find out how students' motivation after being given Reward
and Punishment, Kedalan faced and solutions to obstacles faced when given Reward and …

Peran Guru dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar pada Peserta Didik di Sekolah Dasar

DA Ramadhani, M Muhroji - Jurnal Basicedu, 2022 -
Guru sebagai pendidik merupakan penentu keberhasilan dalam pendidikan. Tujuan
penelitian ini yakni untuk mendeskripsikan terkait peran guru dalam meningkatkan motivasi …

Pengaruh Reward dan Punishment Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar

YR Fitri - 2022 -
Reward and punishment are very important in motivating students because through reward
and punishment students will become more confident and responsible with the tasks given …

[HTML][HTML] Pengaruh pemberian punishment terhadap motivasi belajar peserta didik kelas V di SDN 1 Selebung Ketangga tahun pelajaran 2020/2021

R Purwanto, MI Hadi - Masaliq, 2021 -
This research is Ex-postfacto research, namely research that examines the relationship
between cause and effect. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the provision …

Konseling Kelompok Teknik Reinforcement Positif untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Broken Home

D Durrotunnisa, RN Hanita - Jurnal Basicedu, 2022 -
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah terjadi peningkatan motivasi belajar siswa broken home
melalui layanan konseling kelompok teknik reinforcement positif. Jenis penelitian ini adalah …

Penerapan Saintifik Dapat Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Tentang Sistim Gerak Pada Manusia Pelajaran Ipa Di Kelas VIII. 6 SMP Negeri 1 Rambah Kab …

S Nasution - Jurnal Edu Sains, 2019 -
This study aims to reveal the effect of the application of scientific learning on learning
outcomes and reveal scientific learning can affect learning motivation in Natural Knowledge …

Pengaruh Pemberian Reward dan Punishment Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa

DM Sarah, AIV Vika, N Hasibuan… - Edu Cendikia: Jurnal …, 2022 -
Reward dan punishment yang diterapkan menjadi strategi dalam pembelajaran yang
dimaksudkan agar peserta didik dapat teransang dan termotivasi dalam belajar, mampu …

Peran Guru Kelas Dalam Memotivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas V Pada Mata Pelajaran IPS Terpadu di SDN Kapuk 15 Pagi

MKN Ikhsan, N Febrianti - Seminar Nasional Ilmu …, 2020 -
Children are a very important investment for the preparation of human resources (HR) in the
future. In order to prepare quality human resources for the future, education is one of the …

[PDF][PDF] Implementasi “Reward Asyik” untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar anak kelompok b di tk Yapis II Baiturrahman

A Arianty, S Watini - JIIP-Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu …, 2022 -
Motivation to learn in the form of appreciation has an important role in growing passion,
feeling happy and enthusiastic about learning. Children who have high enough intelligence …