Decreasing the spectral radius of a graph by link removals

P Van Mieghem, D Stevanović, F Kuipers, C Li… - Physical Review E …, 2011 - APS
The decrease of the spectral radius, an important characterizer of network dynamics, by
removing links is investigated. The minimization of the spectral radius by removing m links is …

Approximating spectral impact of structural perturbations in large networks

A Milanese, J Sun, T Nishikawa - … Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft …, 2010 - APS
Determining the effect of structural perturbations on the eigenvalue spectra of networks is an
important problem because the spectra characterize not only their topological structures, but …

Enhancing the spectral gap of networks by node removal

T Watanabe, N Masuda - Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft …, 2010 - APS
Dynamics on networks are often characterized by the second smallest eigenvalue of the
Laplacian matrix of the network, which is called the spectral gap. Examples include the …

Characterizing the dynamical importance of network nodes and links

JG Restrepo, E Ott, BR Hunt - Physical review letters, 2006 - APS
The largest eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix of networks is a key quantity determining
several important dynamical processes on complex networks. Based on this fact, we present …

Approximating the largest eigenvalue of network adjacency matrices

JG Restrepo, E Ott, BR Hunt - Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and …, 2007 - APS
The largest eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix of a network plays an important role in
several network processes (eg, synchronization of oscillators, percolation on directed …

Influence of assortativity and degree-preserving rewiring on the spectra of networks

P Van Mieghem, H Wang, X Ge, S Tang… - The European Physical …, 2010 - Springer
Newman's measure for (dis) assortativity, the linear degree correlation coefficient ρ_D, is
reformulated in terms of the total number N k of walks in the graph with k hops. This …

Spectra of “real-world” graphs: Beyond the semicircle law

IJ Farkas, I Derényi, AL Barabási, T Vicsek - Physical Review E, 2001 - APS
Many natural and social systems develop complex networks that are usually modeled as
random graphs. The eigenvalue spectrum of these graphs provides information about their …

Spectra of complex networks

SN Dorogovtsev, AV Goltsev, JFF Mendes… - Physical Review E, 2003 - APS
We propose a general approach to the description of spectra of complex networks. For the
spectra of networks with uncorrelated vertices (and a local treelike structure), exact …

Spectra and eigenvectors of scale-free networks

KI Goh, B Kahng, D Kim - Physical Review E, 2001 - APS
We study the spectra and eigenvectors of the adjacency matrices of scale-free networks
when bidirectional interaction is allowed, so that the adjacency matrix is real and symmetric …

Relating topological determinants of complex networks to their spectral properties: Structural and dynamical effects

C Castellano, R Pastor-Satorras - Physical Review X, 2017 - APS
The largest eigenvalue of a network's adjacency matrix and its associated principal
eigenvector are key elements for determining the topological structure and the properties of …