Levels of perceptual representation and process in lexical access: words, phonemes, and features.

W Marslen-Wilson, P Warren - Psychological review, 1994 - psycnet.apa.org
Three experiments and a simulation study investigate competing featural and phonemic
views of the representation of the speech input in access to the mental lexicon. Auditory …

The effect of subphonetic differences on lexical access

JE Andruski, SE Blumstein, M Burton - Cognition, 1994 - Elsevier
This study investigated whether lexical access is affected by inherent acoustic variations that
contribute to the identity of a phonetic feature and ultimately a phonetic segment. Two …

Issues of process and representation in lexical access

W Marslen-Wilson - Cognitive models of speech processing, 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
Issues of Process and Representation in Lexical Access | 13 | Cognitiv Skip to main content
Breadcrumbs Section. Click here to navigate to respective pages. Chapter Issues of Process …

How many levels of processing are there in lexical access?

A Caramazza - Cognitive neuropsychology, 1997 - Taylor & Francis
The patterns of semantic errors in speaking and writing are used to constrain claims about
the structure of lexical access mechanisms in speech and written language production. It is …

Subcategorical phonetic mismatches and lexical access

DH Whalen - Perception & Psychophysics, 1991 - Springer
The place of phonetic analysis in the perception of words is unclear. While some theories
assume fully specified phonemic strings as input, other theories assume that little analysis …

Lexical and sublexical feedback in auditory word recognition

MA Pitt, AG Samuel - Cognitive psychology, 1995 - Elsevier
Currently, there are two qualitatively different model classes in the field of spoken language
understanding. Autonomous models allow only bottom-up information flow, whereas …

Integrating form and meaning: A distributed model of speech perception

MG Gaskell, WD Marslen-Wilson - Language and cognitive …, 1997 - Taylor & Francis
We present a new distributed connectionist model of the perception of spoken words. The
model employs a representation of speech that combines lexical information with abstract …

Morphological Structures and Lexical Access

C Burani, D Salmaso, A Caramazza - Visible Language, 1984 - journals.uc.edu
The three experiments reported in this paper addressed the question of whether the
frequency of the root-morpheme of a word (eg, sent from sentire, to hear) or the frequency of …

The influence of the lexicon on phonetic categorization: stimulus quality in word-final ambiguity.

JM McQueen - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human …, 1991 - psycnet.apa.org
The categorization of word-final phonemes provides a test to distinguish between an
interactive and an autonomous model of speech recognition. Word-final lexical effects ought …

Lexical effects in phonemic processing: Facilitatory or inhibitory?

UH Frauenfelder, J Segui, T Dijkstra - Journal of Experimental …, 1990 - psycnet.apa.org
This article addresses the questions of how and when lexical information influences
phoneme identification in a series of phoneme-monitoring experiments in which conflicting …