Scalable global alignment graph kernel using random features: From node embedding to graph embedding

L Wu, IEH Yen, Z Zhang, K Xu, L Zhao, X Peng… - Proceedings of the 25th …, 2019 -
Graph kernels are widely used for measuring the similarity between graphs. Many existing
graph kernels, which focus on local patterns within graphs rather than their global …

Matching node embeddings for graph similarity

G Nikolentzos, P Meladianos… - Proceedings of the AAAI …, 2017 -
Graph kernels have emerged as a powerful tool for graph comparison. Most existing graph
kernels focus on local properties of graphs and ignore global structure. In this paper, we …

Distribution of node embeddings as multiresolution features for graphs

M Heimann, T Safavi, D Koutra - 2019 IEEE International …, 2019 -
Graph classification is an important problem in many fields, from bioinformatics and
neuroscience to computer vision and social network analysis. That said, the task of …

Retgk: Graph kernels based on return probabilities of random walks

Z Zhang, M Wang, Y Xiang… - Advances in Neural …, 2018 -
Graph-structured data arise in wide applications, such as computer vision, bioinformatics,
and social networks. Quantifying similarities among graphs is a fundamental problem. In this …

Rectifying pseudo labels: Iterative feature clustering for graph representation learning

Z Hu, G Kou, H Zhang, N Li, K Yang, L Liu - Proceedings of the 30th ACM …, 2021 -
Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) are powerful representation learning methods for
non-Euclidean data. Compared with the Euclidean data, labeling the non-Euclidean data is …

Learning with similarity functions on graphs using matchings of geometric embeddings

FD Johansson, D Dubhashi - Proceedings of the 21th ACM SIGKDD …, 2015 -
We develop and apply the Balcan-Blum-Srebro (BBS) theory of classification via similarity
functions (which are not necessarily kernels) to the problem of graph classification. First we …

Graph alignment kernels using weisfeiler and leman hierarchies

G Nikolentzos, M Vazirgiannis - International Conference on …, 2023 -
Graph kernels have become a standard approach for tackling the graph similarity and
learning tasks at the same time. Most graph kernels proposed so far are instances of the R …

Rethinking kernel methods for node representation learning on graphs

Y Tian, L Zhao, X Peng… - Advances in neural …, 2019 -
Graph kernels are kernel methods measuring graph similarity and serve as a standard tool
for graph classification. However, the use of kernel methods for node classification, which is …

M-evolve: structural-mapping-based data augmentation for graph classification

J Zhou, J Shen, S Yu, G Chen… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2020 -
Graph classification, which aims to identify the category labels of graphs, plays a significant
role in drug classification, toxicity detection, protein analysis etc. However, the limitation of …

Automated unsupervised graph representation learning

Z Hou, Y Cen, Y Dong, J Zhang… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2021 -
Graph data mining has largely benefited from the recent developments of graph
representation learning. Most attempts to improve graph representations have thus far …