[PDF][PDF] 基于次特征值误差补偿和非对称分布的马氏距离改进算法

李国宏, 施鹏飞 - 电子学报, 2007 - ejournal.org.cn
改进算法. 通过改进的马氏距离, 有限样本导致的次特征值误差得到补偿, 样本特征矢量在变换 …

Context-aware and content-based dynamic Voronoi page segmentation

M Agrawal, D Doermann - Proceedings of the 9th IAPR International …, 2010 - dl.acm.org
This paper presents a dynamic approach to document page segmentation based on inter-
component relationships, local patterns and context features. State-of-the art page …

[PDF][PDF] Study of Several directional feature extraction methods with local elastic meshing technology for HCCR

LW Jin, JX Yin, X Gao, JC Huang - … of the Sixth Int. Conference for Young …, 2001 - hcii-lab.net
This paper presents several directional features with different meshing methods for
Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition (HCCR). Local elastic meshing technology is …

[PDF][PDF] 新的纸币图像特征提取方法

盖杉, 刘鹏, 刘家锋, 唐降龙 - 通信学报, 2010 - infocomm-journal.com
纸币分类技术, 通过对每个币种预先定义规则来实现. 这种方法的不足之处在于增加新币种的
时候, 必须增加与其对应的规则. 一种更为有效的方法就是对纸币图像的特性进行分析 …

How to design finger input of Chinese characters: A literature review

Z Chen, PLP Rau, C Chen - International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 2014 - Elsevier
A comprehensive literature review is conducted on the considerations of the human finger
and Chinese character in finger interaction for Chinese input. The results of this study …

A feature based on encoding the relative position of a point in the character for online handwritten character recognition

M Dinesh, MK Sridhar - Ninth International Conference on …, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Feature extraction is a very important step in the process of character recognition. The
features extracted from the character should encode the local, global and the structural …

Generalization of hindi OCR using adaptive segmentation and font files

M Agrawal, H Ma, D Doermann - Guide to OCR for Indic Scripts: Document …, 2010 - Springer
In this chapter, we describe an adaptive Indic OCR system implemented as part of a rapidly
retargetable language tool effort and extend work found in [20, 2]. The system includes script …

[PDF][PDF] 基于笔划的手写体汉字方向分解特征提取方法

高学, 金连文, 尹俊勋, 黄建成 - 2003 - hcii-lab.net
提出了一种基于笔划的手写体汉字方向分解特征提取的新方法. 根据每个笔划像素点及其邻域
像素点的方向分布特征, 汉字图像被分解为“横”,“竖”,“撇” 和“捺” 4 种子模式 …

Document Analysis and Recognition: A survey

S NIGAM, S Verma, P Nagabhushan - Authorea Preprints, 2023 - techrxiv.org
The journey of research for Document Analysis and Recognition (DAR) started with the
problem of automatic character recognition. Today, it has covered a vast span of recognition …

[PDF][PDF] 基于重叠动态网格和模糊隶属度的手写汉字特征抽取

吴天雷, 马少平 - 电子学报, 2004 - ejournal.org.cn
本文在基于动态网格的手写汉字特征抽取方法中引入重叠网格划分, 定义了一种反映书写结构的
加权点密度, 并提出了一种根据密度投影计算模糊隶属度的方法, 这些措施提高了特征的分类 …